The Working On Wellness Foundation provides FREE online seated exercise sessions, live via Zoom or on YouTube, created and conducted by our experienced and certified instructors. All can be done while remaining seated. They include cardio, upper body, lower body, core, balance, coordination, and hand exercises. And all of our live Zoom sessions begin with 15 minutes of social chat time.
Subscriptions are free and only subscribers receive weekly emails with links to our live Zoom sessions and now get links to ALL of our YouTube recordings. You can subscribe by completing our Contact Form below.
Visitors and non-subscribers can still view our most recent YouTube sessions and any of our previous sessions brought to you by our generous sponsors. See our YouTube Channel.
People with MS, PD, RA, and other conditions benefit physically through exercises that promote range of motion, strength, balance, and coordination. They also benefit from the social atmosphere of being in a group that shares the same daily challenges.
Working On Wellness Foundation wants to make it a little easier for those people by providing chair-based exercise sessions lead by certified instructors. Now these sessions can be accessed through Zoom or via YouTube.
In order to do this the Working on Wellness Foundation needs your help to raise funds.
Working on Wellness Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) corporation and all contributions may be tax deductible to the donor and will directly benefit the recipients and programs.
Thank You, your donations keep our exercises free for everyone
Working on Wellness Foundation, Inc. is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 81-4609518. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.